Question No: 2024/4300
Question (Thomas Turrell AM): 19th December 2024
Broken down by financial year and by borough, please update the Assembly on how much LIP funding each London borough has received every year since May 2016?
Officers are drafting a response. Reply pending.
Question No: 2024/4301
Question (Thomas Turrell AM): 19th December 2024
Has there been a change of policy on the allocation on LIP funding underspends? If so, what does that change entail?
Answer (Sadiq Khan): 23 December 2024
In 2023/24 there was a Local Implementation Plan (LIP) underspend as several boroughs claimed less than their full allocated amount. There was an intention, as had been done in 2022/23, to reallocate this underspend amongst boroughs who had completed Healthy Streets schemes with their own funds. Unfortunately, demand for Transport for London (TfL) services in 2024/25 has not grown the 6 per cent year-on-year that had been budgeted for. Journeys in the year to date (Periods 1-7) are up just over 1.6 per cent. For the full year, TfL’s latest forecast is for passenger income to be £188m lower than budgeted as a result of this demand shortfall.
Additionally, inflationary costs in TfL’s supply chain and the costs of the cyber security incident experienced in September 2024 have put further pressure on TfL’s finances. TfL is having to make difficult choices to mitigate this. In addition to retaining the LIP underspend, savings are being targeted across TfL’s operations.
Despite this, TfL has increased the overall allocation to boroughs in 2024/25 and it is set to increase again in 2025/26, and TfL is currently reviewing boroughs’ Three Year Delivery Plans.